


  1. About me Who I am and why I am writing this
  2. What's different? What is it that makes ManageSite! stand out of the crowd?
  3. Positiff Management Core Values What is it all about?
Basic things to remember
  1. Two main goals of any business What you should never forget to achieve success.
  2. Take payment in advance Make the customer invest in the interaction
  3. Visitor portrait Now who are you going to make a site for?
  1. Strong vs easy solutions How to make decision making a snap
Manage your team
  1. Meet the team Keep in touch and see the brilliant future!
  2. Infodesign vs promodesign How to deal with different design types
Manage client relations
  1. Who's in charge? How to work with a single person on the client's side
  2. Analyse their goals Know what the client wants you to do
  3. Give them opions to exclude False choice secrets
  4. Keep'em informed! A simple way to show you care
  5. Writing letters Present your work in a way that sells it
  6. Manage the experience, not the project Make a cool impression with small giveaways
  7. Fulfill your promises Need inspiration? How about client loyalty?
  8. Solve problems, not create them Be what the client dreams you to be
  9. No more than 3 designs, please! How to make the client make designs carefully
Reduce costs, risks & production time
  1. Document this! How to document your work in a way that profits you the most
  2. Realistic deadlines How to ride your time schedule like a pony
  3. Record project history Ease way to remember all things related to the project
  4. How to save on office software Things to consider before spending money on software
Bonus articles
  1. Good design vs bad design Keep in mind when working with a design team
  2. 17 free ways to increase blog traffic for free A detailed How-To on gaining new visitors for existing projects
Document samples
Google Docs account is required to view and download samples (signup here for free)
  1. Creative brief Questions to ask your clients.

If you feel that some topic not covered here is important to you and you want it to be covered ASAP, feel free to ask questions or message me to write an article about it.