10 cool free resources for web design


Completely free stock photography, logotypes, fonts

If you have been looking for completely free stock resources for your design team, these may be helpful to you:

  1. www.sxc.hu - Free photo clipart
  2. www.morguefile.com - Another free photo clip-art
  3. www.freefoto.com - Free photos
  4. www.office.microsoft.com/en-us/clipart- Microsoft Office Clipart
  5. www.webchantier.com - Nice free vector clip-art
  6. www.brandsoftheworld.com - Best vector logo clip-art
  7. www.1001fonts.com - One of my favorite sites for good free fonts
  8. www.lalogotheque.com - Another multi-stock (logos, fonts., etc)
  9. www.lib.utexas.edu/maps - A good map collection
  10. www.fromoldbooks.org - Scanned images, engravings and pictures from old books
If you want to cut your budget on stock photography and other graphic design resources, these sites will be of great help. Otherwise, they're great for inspiration, anyway!

Oh, and please feel free to share your links to free useful resources in comments below!