How to write a contact report


Hi guys!

Today we'll discuss one of the classic project management tips - writing contact reports.

What's that?
Generally a special document covering all the topics discussed during phone & conference calls and real life meetings.

What do we need it for? As all documenting: to eliminate all these misunderstandings big or small after the job is done.

Imagine a real-life situation: you've done all the programming and now the client says that you forgot something you talked about at a meeting three months ago. Okay, now who's right or wrong? What should you do? Nobody knows.

When instead you have a contact report, verified by the client (you have to send them both to your boss and client not more then 1 day after the meeting, except week-end situations) you just pull it out of your pocket, read it and sing aloud "hallelujah!" with your whole team :)

Now what do you have to include? Let's check it out:
  • Date (as on all documents - it's important!);
  • Topics discussed;
  • Agreements you've come to;
  • Author (on your side)
  • Who checked it (on the client's side)
  • Version (in case of any remarks you get from the client upon reading the first version you sent to them)
What's in it for you? Is it simple? Yes. Can it save you trouble, time and money? Definitely. Is it worth the time spent? Sure! Check out the site for a free contact reports sample somewhere next week!


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