Introducing Bookshelf


Well, couple of our readers (Maghika and JohnT, thank you guys!) have e-mailed me asking to recommend some more books on webdesign and positive philosophy (the second one actually surprised me because I've only talked about philosophy involved for the first time in the blog today!)

So I came up with this idea of a small page on Amazon that would contain all books reviewed on ManageSIte and other ones I recommend. Sorry that there're only a few of them there now (about half a dozen) but I've only started this blog about two weeks ago so I'm sure I can add some very soon folks.

It's called Bookshelf and you may have noticed a new link for it in the menu above.

Speaking of two weeks I'm kinda surprised how many people have already visited the blog with no advertising and promotion at all! It's very pleasant to see you folks like what I write. Stay tuned for much much more!

I shouldn't tell you this early, but there's so much interesting planned to be done here in the upcoming months - you would scream "Goddamit!" out loud if you knew what I'll be adding here soon! Stay tuned and thanks for reading this!